Health and Wellness

Primary Care Clinic for Youth and Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Under the leadership of director Tammie Bassford, MD, the clinic provides coordinated primary health care to patients with disabilities.
Health Care Education
The Sonoran Center facilitates health care education opportunities at all levels—from undergraduate and graduate student programs, to professional education, to continuing medical education—to ensure that future professionals have the skills and training needed to provide quality, inclusive care for individuals with disabilities.
The Sonoran Center engages in multiple research projects to learn how the healthcare system, employers, governmental organizations, nonprofits, and community members can better meet the needs of people with disabilities. Research topics include medical care, mental health, parenting, and more.
Community Resources & Collaborations
The Sonoran Center strives to be a place where the disability community can come together to share knowledge, experiences, and opportunities. Our Community Resources and Collaborations offer a space for people with disabilities and the wider community to learn about disability health advocacy and the disabled experience from the people who live it every day.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the Sonoran Center’s health and wellness activities, please contact ucedd@arizona.edu.