Employment First

A woman with autism wearing a yellow shirt and has long brown hair. She is planting a potted plant and smiling.
AZ Employment First JOBS logo.

Arizona Employment First is a grassroots movement of Arizona Stakeholders. We believe people who have disabilities have the right to work in their communities in jobs they care about. We are working to change policy and practice to make this happen. 


People 16+ Employed in Arizona


People 16+ with a Disability Employed in Arizona


Percentage of Employed People in Arizona with a Disability


# of Job Openings in Arizona

American Community Survey 1-year estimates (Report: S1811). Office of Economic Opportunity 2022-2024 Employment Projected Report.


Arizona Employment First is a movement and philosophy that champions competitive integrated employment as the expectation for all Arizonans with disabilities. We are not a program, agency, or direct service provider. Instead, we work with stakeholder groups across the state to rethink and reshape how employment services and supports are provided, ensuring that individuals with disabilities have the opportunity for meaningful, successful employment. Our mission is driven by collaboration. By working together to shift policies, services, and funding structures, and by ensuring the right supports are in place, we aim to make competitive integrated employment a reality for everyone. Everyone plays a role in making this happen, and together, we’re building a future where work is possible for all.

Mission Statement

AZ Employment First seeks to ensure that competitive integrated employment is the preferred outcome and expectation for all working age Arizonans who have disabilities.


Guiding Principles  

Everyone Can Work

All Arizonans, including those with disabilities, have the right to choose jobs where they are valued for their skills and strengths.

Real Work for Real Pay

Employment means having a job where they can grow that pays fairly (starting at minimum wage), includes benefits, takes place alongside people without disabilities, and contributes to the community

Support Leads to Success

With the right supports, workers can succeed and feel confident at work.


Employment First is a national initiative that promotes competitive employment in an integrated setting at minimum wage or higher, as this is the preferred outcome for people who have disabilities. Arizona is championing this initiative by implementing its common vision in this state. Arizona seeks to change and enhance expectations around employment to promote progressive change in the support infrastructure, which will enable people who have disabilities to pursue employment opportunities and achieve economic independence.

In October, 2013, stakeholders convened to facilitate an Employment First discussion.  During that meeting, a report was commissioned, which provided an overview of Employment First initiatives and highlighted lessons learned from existing Employment First states.  During the meeting, an agreement was made to move forward with the development of an Arizona Employment First strategy. In January, 2014, an Employment First Core Team comprised of advocates, family members, service providers, educators, state agencies, and the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, was created to help guide the planning process.  As such, monthly meetings were held; a communication plan was developed; an informational webinar was presented; and six community forums were conducted to gather information from additional stakeholders.

The community forums generated a wealth of ideas, recommendations, and suggestions to help move Employment First forward. Input has been archived and is available for review. Please contact us for more information.

Since the public forums, monthly meetings continue(d); an Employment First Strategic Plan was developed and is currently being implemented and updated as necessary; collaborative partnering between the Sonoran Center and RSA developed a Program Manager position to lead the efforts in moving the initiative forward; an Employment First website is being developed; sub-committees have formed; and the cross-stakeholder collaboration continues, including a fully executed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by all parties involved, committing to continuing to work together to make the necessary changes in Arizona to increase employment and community opportunities for individuals who have disabilities.

Who is Involved in Arizona Employment First?

Arizona Employment First is a coalition of stakeholders across Arizona, working together to move Arizona to become an Employment First state. 

  •     Advocates
  •     Educators
  •     Employers
  •     Employment Service Provider Agencies
  •     Family Members
  •     State Agencies
  •     University Centers for Excellence on Developmental Disabilities
  •     Youth and Young Adults

Key Partners

  • Arizona Vocational Rehabilitation
  • U of A Sonoran Center for Excellence in Disabilities
  • Arizona APSE
  • Arizona Department of Education
  • Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
  • Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)
  • Disability Rights Arizona
  • Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Institute for Human Development at Northern Arizona University

Employment First: Topics & Tactics

Topic: Employment First in Arizona: Current Policies and Key Leaders.

Tactic: Familiarize yourself with Arizona’s Employment First policies and connect with key stakeholders to better understand their implementation efforts.

Below you may find important and relevant documents from the December 9th, 2024 Employment First Topic & Tactics meeting: 



Topic: Employer Engagement—Building Confidence to Hire Individuals with Disabilities

Tactic: Attend a panel discussion with employers new to inclusive hiring to learn about their questions, concerns, and first steps in hiring individuals with disabilities to engage curious employers and promote a diverse workforce.

Below you may find important and relevant documents from the January 9th, 2025 Employment First Topic & Tactics meeting: 

Topic: Amplifying Employment Through Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation

Tactic: Explore the role of Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation (TVR) programs in supporting Native Americans with disabilities to achieve competitive integrated employment and identify strategies for effective collaboration.

Below you may find important and relevant documents from the February 9th, 2025 Employment First Topic & Tactics meeting: 

AIVRTTAC Supporting American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Brochure:


Topic: Shifting from Job Readiness to Employment First

Tactic: Challenge the job readiness model by exploring how Employment First prioritizes immediate employment with on-the-job supports. Learn practical strategies to apply Employment First principles in your work, helping job seekers with disabilities access meaningful employment without unnecessary delays.

Below you may find important and relevant documents from the March 10th, 2025 Employment First Topic & Tactics meeting:

Related Events

Arizona at Work. Innovative Workforce Solutions. A proud partner of the American Job Center network.


Funding was made possible in part by the Arizona Department of Economic Security - Vocational Rehabilitation Services and partnering schools and businesses. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official policies of these organizations and entities.