ICYMI: Regular AHCCCS Renewals Began April 1, 2023
Aug. 31, 2023

As of April 1, 2023, AHCCCS began disenrolling members who no longer meet eligibility criteria. All AHCCCS and KidsCare members now need to follow the regular process for renewal. Members should check that their contact information is correct at healthearizonaplus.gov so AHCCCS can send updates when their renewal month arrives.
If you are an ALTCS member, you need to call 1-888-621-6880 to update your contact information or to get help with renewals.
- Respond to the AHCCCS renewal form when it comes, if you haven’t already. If you don't, you may lose your coverage even if you are still eligible.
- Parents should respond even if you are not eligible or are enrolled in other coverage. Your children could still be eligible for coverage.
- If you are no longer eligible for AHCCCS, you should check to see if you can get coverage through your employer or through the Affordable Care Act Marketplace at www.healthcare.gov.
- Remember, if you are an ALTCS member, you need to call 1-888-621-6880 to update your contact information or to get help with renewals.
Still have questions? Learn more about AHCCCS renewals at azahcccs.gov/renewals.