Assistive Technology: Any item, device or equipment used to increase, maintain or improve an individual’s independence and/or capacity on the job.
Benefits Counseling: Professionals provide information on work incentives and examples of how wages impact state and federal assistance (i.e.: SSI, Medicaid). This information can assist people to become more independent by understanding how work may allow them to earn more money and be active in their community.
Braided Funding: A cross systems/agencies collaboration which pulls in funding from multiple sources such as DDD, VR, Social Security Work Incentives etc. to support an individualized plan.
Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRPs): Typically private non-profit community organizations that provide vocational (and other types) of services to adults with disabilities. These services are usually paid by state agencies such as DDD or VR.
Competitive Integrated Employment: Community based employment in integrated business settings for competitive wages. Paid support staff provides training on the job site as well as follow along services and supports to the individual and business as needed.
Customized Employment: A job development process that is a flexible blend of strategies services and supports designed to increase employment options for job seekers with more complex needs. Careful consideration is given to understanding the needs of both the job seeker and the employer.
Discovery: A process that focuses on a series of activities to assist an individual to identify career interests, strengths and abilities, and clearly identified action steps to achieve that desired employment outcome.
Employment First: A national movement that supports the belief that community based employment at commensurate wages is the desired outcome for all individuals, regardless of disability
Fading: The process by which the job coach lessens the amount of time spent training and supporting an individual on the job as the person becomes more independent.
Job Coach/ Employment Specialist: An employment staff person who assists the worker with a disability to find and keep a job. Supports may include on the job skill , assistance with accommodations, interface with employer when needed, promotion of natural support s and social inclusion on the job.
Job Development: The process of assisting an individual to find a job that meets his or her needs, preferences and skill levels and also the needs of the business.
Person-Centered Planning: a process for selecting and organizing the services and supports that an older adult or person with a disability may need to live in the community.
Self Determination: Individuals have control over those aspects of life that are important to them, such as the services they receive, their career choices and goals, where they live, and which community activities they are involved in.
Workplace Accommodations: Any modifications or adjustments to a job or the work environment that enables an employee to perform job duties and/or participate in the work place.