SABE-SARTAC Accessible Communications Project
Expanding the use of plain language and accessible communications
The Sonoran Center for Excellence in Disabilities is collaborating with Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) and the Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center (SARTAC) on a nationwide project to expand the use of plain language and accessible communications. Led by a team of self-advocates, the Center and its partners will establish a community of practice in Arizona dedicated to making resources for people with disabilities more accessible to the people who use them. The State Team also includes members from the Arizona Department of Economic Security, Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, DiverseAbility Inc., and the Southwest Institute for Families and Children.
The first phase of the project is a series of trainings on Plain Language, Easy Read, and other accessible communication topics hosted by SABE-SARTAC. Once completed, the State Team will be able to translate communications into accessible formats and offer similar trainings to organizations across the state. Ultimately, this will allow the Center and its partners to take a leading role in expanding the use of accessible communications across the state of Arizona.
If you have questions or want more information, please contact:
Drew Milne at ucedd@arizona.edu.