Autism Research Collaborative
The Autism Research Collaborative is a consortium of researchers and practitioners at the University of Arizona, including representatives from the University of Arizona Sonoran Center for Excellence in Disabilities, who seek to gain and share greater understanding of autism and related neurodevelopmental disorders. The purpose of the Autism Collective is to improve the health and educational outcomes of families, children, and adults on the autism spectrum. Central to the Collaborative’s mission is translating investigative findings to real life application. The group has members from diverse academic disciplines based in the Colleges of Education, Science, Medicine, Agriculture, Public Health and Business, as well as leaders of programs that provide services and support to persons across the spectrum and their families.
As an integrative group, the Collective uses the following three pillars to advance the realm of research and service:
- Dissemination of research findings in identification, assessment, and treatment
- Program development
- Community outreach
To learn more about the Sonoran Center’s involvement in the Autism Collaborative, please contact ucedd@arizona.edu.