Jacy Bell
University of Arizona
Information Resources & Library Science
MA – MLS Candidate
Class of Winter 2009
I am the Data Coordinator and administrative support for the Sonoran UCEDD. As I've been pursuing my MLS, my future career plans have changed. I have a BA in Classics and so I am interested in Special Collections, Museums and Archives, but I have increasingly pondered a career path involving the disability field.
As a trainee, I am working on several projects related to library services and information accessibility for the disability community:
- Conducting literary research on what library services are available to individuals with sensory, developmental and learning disabilities with the possibility of creating a resource guide and working with the UA Libraries and Disability Resource Center to include links on their websites for such services.
- Organizing an interdisciplinary panel discussion on Information Accessibility and the Disability Community which will include academic and public librarians, information technology professionals, and university students/community members with a disability. This will be a community event and open to the general public.
- Submitting two research grants that will 1) be a preliminary assessment of the policies and procedures of public libraries in relation to disability services and accommodations, and 2) expand upon the initial survey with an attitudinal and skills assessment of public librarians and library staff in working with patrons with disabilities, as well as with focus groups of such patrons including their aides/caregivers and/or family members on user satisfaction, needs, and recommendations.
- Creating and submitting poster presentations to the 2009 Special Libraries Association's (SLA) Annual Conference and the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference & Meeting on my projects.