Gabriel Rischall

Arizona State University
Social Work
Graduate - Master of Social Work

Growing up, I was fortunate to have many experiences with disabilities and special needs.  My aunt has schizophrenia, and from a young age I have interacted with many individuals with mental illnesses.  Through out high school I worked with children and adults with physical disabilities.  As an undergraduate I worked at ArtWorks, where I worked with a wide variety of adults with developmental disabilities.  I graduated from the University of Arizona in 2011 with a bachelor of science in Family Studies and Human Development.  After I graduated, I worked in the St. Louis County Special School District as an ABA Para-professional.  As a Para, I was able to work with a younger population that I previously have not worked with, and assisted two-second grade boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  In fall 2012, I moved back to Tucson after accepting a full time position at ArtWorks as an Instructional Aide and started my Master's of Social Work program.  I plan to obtain my LCSW and my goal is to continue to learn about disabilities and incorporate that into my current and future work in the field.  Learn more about Gabe from the Trainee Spotlight in Sonoran UCEDD News February 2013 issue.