Clare Emmert

University of Arizona
Majors: Special Education & Rehabilitation and Family Studies & Human Development
Undergraduate - Bachelor of Science
Research Assistant
I am a Junior at the UofA working towards a dual degree in Family Studies and Human Development and Special Education and Rehabilitation. My first experience of working with people with disabilities was through Project FOCUS, where I continue to be a peer mentor who supports college students with intellectual disabilities in building self-determination and independence. Through Project FOCUS, I discovered my passion for actively supporting the inclusion and equal participation of people with disabilities in my community. I am a part of Tucson ADAPT, where I am an activist for disability rights, and am an intern at the UofA Disability Resource Center, where I ensure campus events and engagements are accessible and inclusive to students with disabilities. This past year, I travelled to Fiji to work with children with disabilities, and have worked as a research assistant in the UofA Early Developmental Studies lab, exploring eye-gaze and social attention in infants at-risk for autism. My future goals include becoming an Occupational Therapist, and continuing to support individuals with disabilities in leading meaningful lives through equal participation and full inclusion.