Abuse and Neglect Prevention Surveys
Following a high profile incident of sexual abuse at a Hacienda Healthcare facility in Arizona in 2018, the State of Arizona took measures to prevent abuse and inform abuse monitoring, including an Executive Order (2019-03) which established an Abuse & Neglect Prevention Task Force to ensure the safety of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Arizona. The Task Force generated a series of 30 recommendations that included actions across 12 domains directed at the betterment of abuse prevention across Arizona’s social service system including Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES), and Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS). The first year of the evaluation was completed in May 2022 and produced a report highlighting findings and recommendations in relation to Task Force recommendations. Year two is currently underway with an anticipated completion of fall 2023.
Following the completion of this study, the database will be analyzed and results interpreted, and conclusions disseminated in a report that evaluates the implementation and impact of the recommendations..
Please contact Barbara Brent barbarabrent@arizona.edu with any questions.