Protection for Me and Those I Care About

Sept. 20, 2022
Paul Headshot

I got the COVID-19 vaccine to protect myself and others from getting sick. 

To stay safe from COVID-19, we had to avoid crowds, wear masks and wash our hands often. I wanted to do more protect myself and others from getting sick. When I could get the vaccine, I got it.

Getting the vaccine protects me from getting very sick.

I was not afraid of getting the vaccine. I talked to people I know to make my decision. I did not get a headache, body ache, fever or tired. My arm was just sore from the shot for one day.

I did not need anything for the sore arm. Tylenol can help if you need it.

I got two COVID-19 booster shots now. There were no side effects from them. I got the boosters because the first two shots lose protection after a while.

I help protect every person I meet and the people they meet are protected too. That adds up to a lot of people. I feel safer coming to work and my ArtWorks studio because of my vaccine.

If you are afraid to get vaccinated, meet your doctor. Let your doctor know about your worries. Listen to the doctor's advice. Getting a little achy or tired is better than getting COVID-19.

For information about where to get your COVID-19 vaccine or booster, please visit the Arizona Department of Health Services website(link is external)