Sonoran Center's Arizona Project SEARCH Wins 100% Outcome Award

July 23, 2024
Three women posing for a photo in front of a Project SEARCH step-and-repeat banner.

Heather Dietrich (middle) at the conference posing with Arizona Project SEARCH partners from Western Maricopa Education Center (left) and Navajo Nation Vocational Rehabilitation (right).

On July 16 at the 17th Annual Project SEARCH Conference, the Sonoran Center's Arizona Project SEARCH initiative was given the "100% Outcome Award" for two of its sites: San Mar Industries - Western Maricopa Education Center and Mayo Clinic - Paradise Valley Unified School District. These sites in Arizona were successful in training and assisting all of their interns during the program year to obtain employment in a competitive, integrated setting. 

"This is no small feat and took the effort of many partners to make this happen," said Heather Dietrich, Sonoran Center's Project SEARCH Statewide Coordinator. "We are grateful to all our partners!"

Project SEARCH is a unique business-led, one-year employment preparation program that takes place entirely at the workplace, with competitive, integrated employment as the outcome. This means:

  • Interns work in an integrated workplace, working alongside individuals of all abilities, and being included in all meetings, work tasks and events as other staff members.
  • It was competitive, meaning the intern had to apply, interview and onboard for the position the same as everyone else applying for the job.
  • Interns make a prevailing wage, meaning the pay for the position is the same wage as would be offered a non-disabled worker.
  • It's non-seasonal work, meaning the job is a permanent position and not a pop-up shop open only for a season then closed in a few months.
  • Between 16-40 hours per week are worked.

To learn more about Arizona Project SEARCH and the Sonoran Center's other initiatives focused on helping people with disabilities find and keep meaningful jobs, visit

Funding for Arizona Project SEARCH was made possible in part by the Arizona Department of Economic Security - Vocational Rehabilitation Services and partnering schools and businesses. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official policies of these organizations and entities.


Heather Dietrich
Elizabeth Jeffrey-Franco