New Grant: Pregnancy and Parenting Support for People with Disabilities

In July, the Sonoran Center for Excellence in Disabilities was awarded a 12-month grant from the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council to support the Pregnancy and Parenting with a Disability project being conducted in collaboration between the Sonoran Center, Ability360, Raising Special Kids, the Arizona Division of Developmental Disabilities, the Arizona Spinal Cord Injury Association, and United Health Care.
Too little is known and understood about the needs of people with disabilities who are pregnant and parenting. Few resources exist to support and connect parents with disabilities to information and peer support, and in addition, medical providers lack training and awareness of resources to address the needs of their patients with disabilities who are pregnant and parenting.
The purpose and intent of the Pregnancy and Parenting with a Disability project is to better understand the nature of needs of people with disabilities who are pregnant and parenting, and then begin to break down identified barriers through the development of educational materials, trainings, and a peer support group.
A needs assessment survey is currently underway to better understand the needs, preferences, and experiences of individuals with a disability in their decision-making, health care, and support to become pregnant and parent a child.
With this new funding, the group plans to expand methodology to include interviews and focus groups, and increase awareness and recruitment through on-site visits at venues, events, and conferences. Findings from the survey, interviews, and focus groups will then be used to guide the development of trainings and resources.
To learn more about the project, please contact Sonoran Center executive director Wendy Parent-Johnson.
Funding was made possible in part by the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (FFY23-PRTSPT-0300-03). The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the ADDPC.