The CACTI Blog: Building Community Through Health and Wellness

By Jodie Tam, 2021-2022 Undergraduate Certificate In Developmental Disabilities
ArtWorks is an outreach program through the University of Arizona that functions as an art studio and day program where artists with intellectual and developmental disabilities between the age of 22 and 70 work together in a setting that respects diversity, advocates for new learning styles, and integrates life skills. During the spring 2022 semester, I volunteered to go in once a week to host health and wellness activities with the artists. I built many relationships with the artists and looked forward to seeing them every week. I was lucky to have these artists excited to do the activities I suggested. They participated with enthusiasm and through this experience I was able to work with an amazing community that I am not typically exposed to.
The activities that I did with the artists range from making healthy foods to physical activities. We made healthy smoothies together using the greens from their garden, took walks around campus and drew our destination, did tai chi and yoga classes, made noodles, attended watercolor painting class, and more. These activities allowed the artists to learn about the accessibility of health and wellness around them and learn skills that can benefit their overall health. This is important for the disability community because it spreads awareness of healthy activities. Keeping your body healthy is so important and easier than most people think!

Three people sitting at a table outside and drawing

Jodie holding up a drawing of some trees

Six people outside, with smoothies
This opportunity has allowed me to develop skills in being part of an interdisciplinary team, working with families and individuals with disabilities and their communities. For most people in the disability community, it is difficult to have accessible health care, which leads to an eventual decline in their health. Through these at-home activities, these artists learn skills that they can do every day to improve their health. A healthy lifestyle starts with the individual. Teaching these artists about small things can make a large difference in their lifestyle. Working in an interdisciplinary team is inclusive and involves everyone in the community. In ArtWorks, their teachers not only do art with them, but talk about their family settings and daily life and teach them how to perform daily skills. I’ve learned that working in an interdisciplinary team; requires patience, understanding, and compassion. Being able to relay your message thoroughly and compassionately makes a difference in this setting.
It is important to contribute time to communities that you are not normally exposed to. Stepping out of your comfort zone is beneficial to both the individual and the entire community! I was lucky to have built many connections through ArtWorks, whether they be friends or mentors, that can help me along my career path. Contributing even one hour a week to a new community can make a huge difference for them. It can give them something else to look forward to every week, which is healthy for the mind. I encourage all the readers of this blog to join a new community and create meaningful relationships and experiences.
The CACTI Blog features the voices of our interdisciplinary trainees and Community Advisory Council members as they highlight diverse images of people with disabilities and provide community information and advocacy on disability issues. Check Out The CACTI Blog