Pre-Employment Transition Services
A partnership with Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration work together with schools across the state, employers, and Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation programs utilizing creative strategies to prepare students for competitive integrated employment.
The Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) project is focused on developing innovative practices and building school capacity to provide work-based learning experiences and improve employment outcomes for transition aged youth with disabilities. Emphasis is placed on expanding school and employer partnerships, finalizing model development, designing fading and technical assistance strategies for sustainability, and designing effective approaches for rural and underserved communities and populations. A partnership with Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration work together with schools across the state, employers, and Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation programs utilizing creative strategies to prepare students for competitive integrated employment.
- Demonstrate a systematic process for assessing local community needs and capacity, and addressing gaps to insure a comprehensive and replicable approach to Pre-ETS service delivery.
- Develop innovative work-based learning opportunities such as expansion of Project Search, inclusive CTE programs, employer-driven apprenticeships and internships, post-secondary experiences, and after school/summer work experiences.
- Determine strategies that address the unique needs of youth with disabilities who are in foster care, the juvenile justice system, at risk of dropping out, and other nontraditional students.
- Provide resources, training, and technical assistance to non-participating schools around the state to expand their capacity, enhance service delivery practices, and impact student outcomes.
- Produce a toolkit with a Pre-ETS implementation manual and other resources for use by teachers, rehabilitation counselors, and job coaches.
- Complete data collection and analyses to evaluate efficacy and impact, inform policy and service delivery practices, and summarize results for agency reporting of outcomes.
Work-Based Learning
Community based work experiences are for students with disabilities to experience real-life work activities in an integrated business setting. Students can gain:
- Non-paid internships
- Increased independence and awareness
- Decision-making skills
- Social and interpersonal skills
- Self-advocacy
- Community exposure
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact:
Kelsey Montaño